Antibiotics Without Prescription Drugs Essay

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Pages: 2

Medicine can be broadly categorized into over the counter drugs and prescription drugs. Over the counter, drugs are those that can be bought without a doctor’s prescription. The most common group here is painkillers. Whenever an individual feels excessive pain in their body, they are free to purchase OTC drugs. However, they should not make the body get used to these drugs. The other group is prescription drugs. This category of medicine must be bought with a prescription from a doctor. Antibiotics fall in this category of drugs. In order to use them, one needs a doctor’s prescription. This is because before one employs the use of an antibiotic, they need to be familiar with the type of bacteria causing the illness. Also, they need to know the morphological structure of these bacteria, consequently know the exact antibiotic to administer. These makes antibiotics a very delicate group of drugs. They cannot be used without the knowledge of the infection. Otherwise, one will be harming the body attempting to use an antibiotic that has not been prescribed by a physician. When used without prior knowledge of the disease, they are likely to cause harsh side effects such as obesity or even other infections. However, people seem not to heed to this instruction and go ahead to purchase antibiotics without prescriptions. …show more content…
Also, they may trigger the development of another disease if not used appropriately. Therefore, it is very important for one to understand the morphology and mode of attacking of the particular bacteria. For this reason, people are recommended to get their medicine from pharmacists rather than chemists when they do not have a prescription. If the pharmacists are not sure of the signs, they know how to advise accordingly. Chemists, however, sell medicine without any consideration of whether or not it will be suitable for the