Antigone Research Paper

Words: 1342
Pages: 6

Myths reflect a nation’s character, no matter how romanticised or fantastical those myths are. Glimpses of the culture of a nation during a particular moment in time can be drawn from such stories. In such a manner, examining the way women are treated in the popular plays of antiquity offer us insight on the status of women in ancient Greek society. From Euripides’ Medea, modern audiences can see that Greek women were secondary to Greek men in the society widely regarded as the birthplace of democracy. Antigone by Sophocles portrays a different representation of women as Antigone is allowed the chance to be the hero though this is not reflective of Greek society where women were restricted to the domestic sphere.
Euripides’ adaptation of the story of Jason and Medea picks up after Jason has acquired the Golden Fleece and the two have returned to Corinth. Medea has left her family and people behind to be with Jason and help him succeed, even at the cost of her brother’s life. Medea is lamenting the betrayal of Jason, who has married the Princess of Corinth. Jason attempts to justify himself by saying he has married her for money and power and that he will keep Medea at his side as his mistress, but Medea is infuriated and intends to punish Jason. She does so by killing not only the Princess
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Here there is no differentiation between royalty and commoners as brides from both stations of life have this expectation placed upon them. It is plain that women are paying exorbitant amounts to their future husbands whose is role is to be master of the women’s bodies. Arranged marriages were not uncommon during this time period, often between young girls and men much older than them. Her monologue later on continues to discuss how men have the freedom to leave their homes whilst women are only safe when confined within the family