The Iroquois in the sixteenth century created political and organizational skills to sustain a robust military alliance that menaced its neighbors. Most other Indian tribes were a peaceful culture that tried to remain focused on themselves and their way of living. Whatever that was going on around them or what was being said to be done they still just focused on their duties and survival.
2. Among restless Europeans with the growing power of curiosity and ambition sought contact with a wider world whether for conquest or trade. This set in motion a set of events that led to the discovery of the new world. Europe developed a sweet tooth for imported goods. When Marco Polo returned from Italy with all great news which even kept them more wanting for settlement.
3. Europe was highly intrigued by the way of life and new creatures that were seen in the culture of the Indians. Certain new vegetables and food stuff were found which expanded the life of the Europeans and variety amongst their culture. A sugar revolution was set in place as when Christopher Columbus came back with sugar cane even gave the Europeans more to wreak the benefits of.
Indians presented many gifts to Africa and Europe showing a different way of life and to expand the variety of food in their lifestyle. But the Indians were returned with disease and famine. Europe brought with them malaria, yellow fever, and small pox which wiped out most of the Indians population. Their people dropped from around 1 million down to 200.
Africa brought slavery to the new world. Mostly the Indians participated in this proposition. Obviously slaves were never treated well throughout history but the Indians were especially brutal to their slaves. Made them do hard labor beyond almost humanly possible. If the slaves refused to work they were killed or injected syphilis the first sexually transmitted disease in between the three different cultures.
Chapter 2
1.) Most colonies were used for farming as the economic times were strong for the early English times. 3 million people turned into 6 million from 1550 to 1600. At this time landlords were enclosing the land or farming areas. Others areas were made for living purposes which some people could not afford or even survive.
As the early years of settlements began most small farmers were forced to move or leave their area of origin. They drifted about England looking to start a new life as a farmer or to start all over again. Most ended up as beggars living out the rest of their miserable lives.
2.) The plantation colonies had many distinctive features that were shared by all of England’s southern colonies. All were permitted some religious tolerance. Slavery was also a big part of all southern countries as it was introduced in 1750. There was excessive Tobacco growing therefore it was considered “soil butchery”. This got so out of control in most parts it drove settlers west.
The major difference between these colonies was for the most part the religion aspect of it. The governor of Virginia once thanked god for all they had. In the paragraph before I said there was little tolerance for religion. Therefore each colony found their own religion to believe and support without it becoming an epidemic around all of the southern colonies.
3.) The search for a labor force really set back the