Personal Narrative: My High School Career

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Sitting in 9th grade pre-ap english, at Chaffin Junior High, was when I realized that english was definitely not one of my strong subjects. We started reading Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, I hated it. This determined the rest of my high school career. I realized that I was more of a logical thinker, and I enjoyed my math and science classes because they focused on rules and laws that were set in stone, unlike english or art that had a little bit more space to work around with. Everything had it’s place, logically. Through the years of school leading up to high school I never struggled in any of my classes, but I did enjoy some over others. I enjoyed reading, but I didn’t enjoy english. I didn’t like being assigned a certain book to read …show more content…
That’s why I enjoy challenging myself by taking hard courses and continuously having a puzzle or game on my phone to play. When I am uninterested in something I tend to have a short attention span towards it, but the complete opposite when I am interested in it. I like being kept busy, and having my mind racing with multiple outcomes of a problem, or challenge. I’ve also noticed that when watching tv shows, I gravitate more towards crime and mystery shows and when watching movies I enjoy the suspenseful ones. Having a short attention span, I get bored quite easily, so when there is a puzzle or a challenge faced in front of me it keeps me from boredom and I will focus on that one thing, until I solve it, no matter how long it takes. Or if I’m interrupted in the process of solving it I will still have my mind on it thinking of every way possible to solve it. Once I have my mind hooked on something I don’t let go until I get it …show more content…
All throughout junior high I took the basic classes because we weren’t really a loud to choose how many sciences or maths we could take, only choice we had was regular or pre-ap, and as I like the challenge of things I always went with pre-ap. When it came to highschool, it was a whole new playing field. I could pick and choose what classes I wanted that would later on help in my career choices. In my sophomore year I doubled on my science classes because between chemistry and world history, chemistry sounded more appealing to me. My junior year would have to be the most challenging one because I took my first AP class, but I loved the challenge that it had everyday walking into class. Now as a senior I had to take world history eventually so I made it an AP class so it wouldn’t be too easy, and I decided to take an extra AP Bio class just because I thought I could take a lot away from it and that it would be fun. So far my two AP classes, world history and biology, have got to be my favorite classes I’ve taken all throughout high school. I’ll never get tired of a challenge, even throughout summer I kept my mind flowing with questions by playing multiple puzzle solving and challenging games on my