Personal Narrative: My Impact On My High School Career

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Pages: 3

As a seventeen-year-old high school senior on his way to the experience of university life, I seem to have a plethora of unnerving sensations when thinking about my future. I am a strong optimist who believes that anything is achievable if one is passionate enough about their goal. There so many objectives I want to accomplish in life, but the challenging aspect of achieving them would definitely be the execution of said goals. Over the past few years of my high school career, I have gained many different insights and outlooks on life that have impacted my work ethic and overall thinking process; they are things that have helped me accomplish things I never have thought I would be able to do. One prominent example of such impact is the growth of my music, acting, and overall performing careers.
Music is something I am very
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At the dawning of my freshman year at East Stroudsburg High School North, I really wanted to be like Aaron-Michael Sobers, a senior at the time who also happens to be a current Temple student. Aaron was the leader of the tenor section of my choir, leading the way with his high, resonant vocals. I have a voice that is extremely similar to his, but I could never seem to control it (mostly in terms of volume and intonation; I am naturally very loud!). Throughout high school, I have been striving to be at a level even higher than Aaron’s, participating in vocal coaching and music festivals. It was at the Buckhill Skytop Music Festival Young Scholars Program, a training program that I have been involved in for a few years now, where I