Nurse Burnout Research Paper

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Pages: 9

Nursing Burnout: Current Factors and Future Solutions Boston College Connell School Of Nursing.

NURS2070: Introduction to Professional Nursing Professor Robert Ross May 2, 2024.

The nursing profession is a noble calling that requires a special blend of medical knowledge and social skills. Nurses provide care and comfort to individuals at their most vulnerable moments with compassion, empathy, and resilience. Through their deeply fulfilling profession, nurses directly witness the profound impact they have on their patients' lives. However, exposure to the harsh reality of human suffering is also what makes nursing so difficult – a double-edged sword of fulfillment and exhaustion. Burnout not only has detrimental effects on the health
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This situation leaves nurses with the unsafe challenge of providing care with a “just do it” mentality – compromising the quality of patient care. When not enough nurses are available to provide adequate care to patients, a series of negative consequences result including longer and unsafe wait times, increased stress on the nurse and patient, and medication errors (Theofanidis, 2022). Insufficient staffing places nurses in high-stress situations which compromise their work performance, leading to a vicious spiral of negative consequences. A study conducted in Illinois in 2021 found that each additional patient added to a nurse's workload is associated with a seven percent increase in risk-adjusted mortality following general surgery (Miller, 2024). Former ICU nurse at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, RaDonda Vaught, was a victim of these consequences. Her devastating fatal medication error in 2017 led to her being charged with criminal negligent homicide and impaired adult abuse (Lusk et al., 2022). This error occurred in a chronically understaffed environment which diverted her attention from patient care to task completion. The …show more content…
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