Ap Human Geography Research Paper

Words: 460
Pages: 2

Motivation: the project’s picked in order to help children who do not know a lot about geography
What is geography?
Geography answers questions about the natural and human worlds, using different scales of enquiry of view them from different perspectives. It develops knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, an understanding of maps and range of investigative and problem solving skills both inside and outside the classroom.
Geography plays an important part in today’s society. Geography is for life and living, it helps give better understanding on different cultures, political system, environment, landscape and economies. It has the link of establishing social science and natural science.
Social science referred as a human geography, revolves around geographical topics such as economies, culture, politics and societies while natural science referred to physical geography focuses more on climates, landscape and environment. As well as understanding the world, it’s important to know how it is changing globally and locally, how people are participating towards these changes and what society can do to help change
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Scope of the project
The product will be called AtMap World, which will be created. This is targeted at children from the age of 7-14 so that it’ll be capable to help them increase their geographical knowledge and awareness. This is because it best to target them at a young age as at this time they are learning new abilities and techniques as well as to understand how the world works. It will allow children to access different countries and giving them information on particular country. I will be discussing the different principles which will be used in order to make a good product. The principles are:
• Requirement