Ap Psychology Case Study Mental Health

Words: 465
Pages: 2

Snapshot: Charles says his mental health check-in was red because he was feeling happy. Charles’ appearance and hygiene were appropriate. Charles does not have any homicidal or suicidal ideation at this time. Progress: In this session, the staff and Charles had a conversation on developing new activities to reduce anxiety (improve mood, etc.). and provide examples of healthy/pro-social activities. The staff taught Charles progressive muscle relaxation techniques to give himself control over his body’s anxiety response. The staff instructed Charles to find a quiet place free from distractions, recline in a chair, loosen any tight clothing, and remove glasses or contacts. Now rest your hands on your lap or on the arms of the chair. Take a few slow, even breaths. The staff said now, focus your …show more content…
Then, slowly release the tension for 30 seconds. Notice the tension melting away. Continue to breathe slowly and evenly. Legs: Slowly increase the tension in your quadriceps and calves for 15 seconds. Squeeze the muscles as hard as you can. Then gently release the tension for 30 seconds. Notice the tension melting away and the feeling of relaxation that is left. 5. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Feet: Slowly increase the tension in your feet and toes. Tighten the muscles as much as you can. Then slowly release the tension while you count for 30 seconds. Notice all the tension melting away. Continue breathing slowly and evenly. Back: Arch your lower back, hold for 15 seconds and release. The staff said skip if you have lower back pain. Hands: Clench your fists, hold for 15 seconds and release. Arms: Stretch your arms out and lock your elbows for 15 seconds and release. Shoulders: Raise your shoulders as if to touch your ears, hold and release. Eyes: Tightly close your eyes, hold, and release. Charles had to take a rest several times while practicing these techniques due to his