Course Syllabus A.P. PSYCHOLOGY 2014-2015
Heather E Scott
Course: A.P. Psychology Room: 738 Phone: 751-8230 ext 2165
Email: Website:
What you should know about Psychology and Advanced Placement…
Psychology is the scientific study of how people think, act (behave) and feel. It is about the things people do and the thought process (or lack thereof) behind the actions. Since this is an Advanced Placement course the achievements of high school students are compared statistically to the achievements of college students in an introductory college psychology course. The validity of the Advanced Placement program rests on a positive correlation between the two student groups. Doing well in an advanced placement course eases the transition to college level expectations and your high school work can be used towards college credit and/or waivers as defined by the college you attend.
What are Mrs. Scott’s goals:
Mrs.Scott’s goals for the students in the course are to:
Prepare each student in this class for the Advanced Placement Examination given in the spring of the year 2015.
Do the best possible job teaching this course assuming this might be the only psychology course students may ever have.
Give the students thought provoking exercises in this course that they may remember and take away knowledge through which they can filter life’s experiences for the future.
What you need to know about grading and classroom procedures…
Course Grades – Grades are determined by weighted categories based on the following percentages:
Tests 40 %, Projects/Essays/Vocabulary Quizzes 30 %, Classwork/Homework 20 %, Study Guides 10%
Makeup work—refer to school policy.
Classroom Expectations – students are expected to arrive on time and be prepared and attentive. Note-taking is recommended. Supplies suggested: folder, pencil, colored pencils, journal/notebook, black or blue pens, college rule paper, and colored paper or construction paper.
What you should know about the materials we will use…
In addition to classroom activities, experiments, discussion, lectures, projects students will also encounter these other sources of informational materials to help prepare them for the Advanced Placement Exam.
David G. Myers. Psychology 7th ,8th and 9th editions – a widely used textbook on college campuses that will be the required textbook for the course and one of the main ingredients of instruction. It is a very necessary resource for students to use faithfully.
College Board/Advanced Placement Psychology sample exams and free response materials.
Discovering Psychology - Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting video series depicting theories and college research as the basis for an understanding of the discipline of psychology.
What you should know about the A.P. examination…
The AP Psychology Examination includes a 70-minute multiple-choice section that accounts for two-thirds of the student's exam grade and a 50-minute free-response section made up of two questions, which accounts for one-third of the student's exam grade.
Students often ask whether they should guess on the multiple-choice section. Scoring is based on the number of questions answered correctly. POINTS ARE NOT DEDUCTED FOR INCORRECT ANSWERS, AND NO POINTS AWARDED FOR UNANSWERED. Students should try to answer all multiple-choice questions.
Free-response questions are an appropriate tool for evaluating a student's mastery of scientific research principles and ability to make connections among constructs from different psychological