Research Assistant Position

Words: 505
Pages: 3

From my previous work experiences and educational knowledge, I believe I would be an ideal candidate for the Research Assistant position for the Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry.
Having held a research intern position for the past year, I have been aiding in a large model of care audit. My role has been to assist in identifying quality measures for Huntercombe hospitals and arranging meetings with practice managers and psychiatrists in order to collect data for the audit. I have been involved in the entire research process; conducting literature reviews, recruiting participants, arranging interviews with patients, collecting qualitative and quantitative data and data analysis using SPSS and Excel. I have also delivered presentations of the outcomes in meetings I have held, with various members of the research team. This position has involved a great amount of self-work and organisation. I independently arranged interviews,
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I have worked hard to manage both the projects simultaneously, which required a great deal of organisational skills in order to complete both within a limited time frame and for deadlines. My dissertation examined the pre and post quality of life measures in paediatric epilepsy surgery. I recruited previous surgical patients for the post examination, administering the HQOL and interviewing the patients and parents for a qualitative analysis for insight into how surgery effects other aspects of their lives. As part of this project I completed a 4 month work placement within the paediatric liaison team at SLaM. The placement taught me a lot about the role of outpatient psychological services and how they are run. I worked with the team, helping with arranging appointments, calling parents to remind appointment dates, collecting questionnaire data, attending team meetings and facilitating the questions or work that resulted from the