Responsibility Report
2014 Progress Report, Covering FY2013
Page 3
Environmental Responsibility at Apple
Page 4
Climate Change
Product usage
Page 15
Greener Materials
Removing toxins
Product testing
Page 17 Finite Resources Conserving materials Recycling
Page 20
Appendix A
Environmental Health and Safety Policy Statement
Page 21
Appendix B
Carbon Assurance and Review Statements
Page 29 Appendix C References
Environmental Responsibility Report | 2014 Progress Report, Covering FY2013
Responsibility at Apple
We strive to create products that are the best they can be in every way. Our passion for innovation is also reflected in how we think about environmental responsibility.
Our goal is to make not just the best products in the world, but the best products for the world.
Apple’s 2014 Environmental Responsibility Report, covering fiscal year 2013, highlights the progress we’ve made toward that goal. We have set three priorities for our work where we believe Apple can make the most impact going forward:
• Reduce our impact on climate change by using renewable energy sources and driving energy efficiency in our products.
• Pioneer the use of greener materials in our products and processes.
• Conserve precious resources so we all can thrive.
This report details how we are approaching each of these priorities, and highlights the progress we have made to date.
For starters, every one of our data centers is powered entirely by clean sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal energy. So whenever you download a song, update an app, or ask Siri a question, the energy Apple uses is provided by nature.
Of course, the cleanest energy is the energy you never use. That’s why we’ve reduced the average total power consumed by Apple products by 57 percent since 2008— helping reduce our customers’ electricity bills and carbon emissions. And each one of our products far exceeds the strict energy efficiency guidelines set by ENERGY STAR.
We’ve led the industry in removing many harmful toxins from our products, such as
PVC, brominated flame retardants, and phthalates. Many toxins are restricted not only in the products themselves but also in the manufacturing processes, because we are committed to providing safe working conditions for the people who make our products.
And we’ve recycled more than 421 million pounds of electronic waste. Every Apple
Retail Store in the world will now take back Apple products for free and recycle them responsibly. We believe we must be accountable for every Apple product at every stage of its use.
Our work is led by Lisa Jackson, Apple’s Vice President of Environmental Initiatives, reporting directly to CEO Tim Cook. The Office of Environmental Initiatives works with teams across Apple to set strategy, engage stakeholders, and communicate progress.
Our integrated approach means that decisions about environmental issues are reviewed at the highest levels of the company.
But we know we have a long way to go, and a lot of work ahead of us. And we are committed to increasing openness in our sustainability work and welcome you to join us on our journey.
Environmental Responsibility Report | 2014 Progress Report, Covering FY2013
Climate Change
Our Maiden, North Carolina, data center has the nation’s largest privately owned onsite solar array.
We believe climate change is real. And that it’s a real problem. As a global company that makes some of the most popular products in the world, we know we use a lot of energy and material, which in turn generates greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. That’s the part of the problem we can help solve.
We’ve found ways to use energy and materials more efficiently in our facilities, to get energy from cleaner sources, and to make some of the world’s most energy-efficient electronic products. We’re still the only company in our industry whose data