Jessica helped further the economic development in Oklahoma City as a retail development and recruitment manager, where she was “in charge of all the retail development of the city.” Herrera worked her magic for a year and a half, expanding the city of Oklahoma before moving back to her home town, El Paso,. Where she began working in the position she currently holds, the Assistant City Director of Development. Since moving back Herrera says she “doesn’t have one specific project I’m most proud of. What I am most proud of in my job is enhancing my city’s quality of life and our economy.” Just knowing that she brings in companies to El Paso that enhance the city’s quality of life or “open their doors and hire people” gives Jessica a sense of accomplishment. Driving around the area and seeing buildings restored that were once dreadful brings a sense of satisfaction to Herrera knowing that she partook in the restoration. Herrera takes pride in her work and only wishes to continue growing. Not necessarily by moving up to a higher position but by transitioning into a different role “where I can take more ownership for what I do and eventually own my own company.” Jessica Herrera is taking El Paso by storm and will continue to do so, wherever the wind blows her