Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration

Words: 702
Pages: 3

In 2004 a man was headed to work when immigration services were waiting for him. They took him even though he had been living in America for forty plus years. He had paid all of his taxes, and did everything by the book for FORTY YEARS. Now, he won’t be able to see his newborn grandson, or his two sons and daughter. A genuine innocent man now having to be held at immigration facilities. There are thousands of innocent immigrants that come to America every year simply to find a better life, but due to immigrant laws they have to be deported back to their home a hopeless future. United states policy on illegal immigrants should focus on amnesty rather than attrition through enforcement.
Some people argue that illegal immigrants in no way benefit the economy, and the policy on illegal
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Amnesty would allow all the illegal immigrants in America to remain here, if attrition through enforcement was applied then millions of immigrants would have to be sent back to their home country which is very expensive. Philip E. Wolgin the Managing Director for the Immigration Policy team at American Progress says in an article “Based on previous analysis from the Center for American Progress, a mass deportation strategy would cost an average of $10,070 per person, for a total of $114 billion to remove all 11.3 million people. Putting unauthorized immigrants on a pathway to citizenship- would add a cumulative $1.2 trillion to the GDP over a decade, increase the earnings of all American’s by $625 billion, and create an average of 145,000 new jobs each year.” This is explaining how much it would actually cost to deport all immigrants and the benefits America would get from amnesty as the policy forgives the illegals. If amnesty was taken in action in America, America would benefit in all different areas due to saving billions of