Arguments Against Cloning

Words: 1562
Pages: 7

For centuries there has been rousing controversy on whether cloning is the right step to advance in the science world. As research and experiments thrive with the advancement of technology and science, we are getting closer to the inevitable reality of cloning. Today, the question remains unanswered whether to, “clone or not to clone”. Under the Webster Dictionary the definition of cloning is, “the aggregate of genetically identical cells or organisms asexually produced by or from a single progenitor cell or organism”. When the idea of cloning arises, society tends to ask itself is it right or wrong. Indeed, there are many advantages towards cloning, however, we must know where to the draw line so we don’t go too far. “On this day in 1996, …show more content…
Clones have a higher chance of deformity, unforeseen death, and organ failures are just a few examples. These medical conditions are long term and will never end. However there are medical advantages, like cloning helps defend against pathogens, are able to create back systems in the body, and able to create a “desirable traits”. One of the many concerns is with cloning is the age of the cells. If you were to take the genes of a human at a certain age to produce a clone, would the donor’s age be subtracted from the average life expectancy to calculate the clone’s potential life span? This was proven true with Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned. Dolly obtained her genes from a sheep who was six years old. The life expectancy of Dolly was twelve years-yet, she died at the age of six. It took 276 attempts to create Dolly, which is very problematic if we were to do that to humans. The required sacrifice does not amount to the potential benefits. Clone testing has never been tested on humans, so no one knows how the testing will go, but we have a hypothesis. “Around 99% of clones die in the womb or suffer genetic abnormalities”( so why would we take the chance? Dolly also suffered from arthritis prematurely which also contributed to her death. In January 2018, China successfully cloned the first monkey with only 79 attempts, “In the case of Hua Hua and Zhong Zhong, …show more content…
Every individual is born with a different set of genes which are inherited from the parents”(Rawat). With the lack of diversity this could make us more vulnerable to diseases and infections. Evolution is the foremost key to human survival and if we can’t develop for the better good, our fate could alter. Diversity allows us to teach us about other countries cultures, way of living, language, and ethic. Diversity is essential in life as it is the key component for us to learn and teaches us how to interact with others that may be different from one’s norm. By decreasing genetic diversity we could, “weaken our ability of adaptation. Cloning is also detrimental to the beauty that lies in diversity”( Cloning would minimize the chances of diversity and any chances of the humans evolving to something greater.
One of the preeminent perturb of cloning is the question of what is the point? Many people are anxious that we would make clones become slaves or that they will rebel and attempt to take control. There are laws that ban any sort of human slavery but with action of cloning continues, this could potentially change. Another problematic problem that could arise is overpopulation and the downgrade of our resource. Today around the world we suffer from world hunger, poverty, terrorism, and insufficient resources. In general, if we