Why Is Cloning Wrong

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Pages: 5

So it seems that the never ending scientific possibilities of our time have continued to exceed our expectations. There is new medical research being done on stem cell research. We have successfully completed organ transplants and more recently face and skin transplants. Without progressions like this from science many would not be alive today. But when does science take it too far? Is there a moral reason to continue or a stopping point? Science has already made it possible to clone an animal. Now the idea of cloning humans is at our doorstep. It is in our future. Our future of technology, medical and scientific advancements, and the determination of people to invent and discover new things. Human cloning is essentially dangerous because the …show more content…
Human reproductive cloning is immoral and unnatural. A supporter of this statement is Dr. Leon R. Kass. At the University of Chicago, Kass, a well-known and respected professor argue strongly against cloning. Kass states that cloning is not only morally wrong but unnatural. Comparing to the rational justification of cloning Kass indicates that people feel the same way about incest, cloning animals, and eating humans. That there is an intuition and feeling of something that just isn’t ethical. “Cloning represents a giant step toward transforming procreation into manufacture.” (Kass) Meaning we will be ultimately “producing” children and they become products not offspring. Another argument is individual worth. Is someone who was born naturally going to be less valuable opposed to a person who was cloned without any defects or flaws? This would become a domination of the cloned vs natural. One of the most important arguments against cloning is the probability of the outcome. In the past cloning attempts using animal’s, it has shown things do not always turn out as planned. Animals that have been cloned suffered …show more content…
Not knowing the long term effects, if any, will put people theoretically at a greater risk. Having a known genetic disease or ailment today most likely is treatable and managed. Sacrificing the lives of those who do not make it through the process of being cloned successfully is not worth it. Separating ourselves from each other is what we fight against. Segregation will not solve the world’s problems. Including race, the idea that someone maybe separated to a group called the clones would continue to create a wall between us. Those who were cloned may feel superior or the exact opposite and feel not worth it because technically they didn’t earn their intelligence and other traits. At this time in our history human cloning would lead to a disastrous