Arguments Against Standardized Testing

Words: 842
Pages: 4

Bubbles; they’re the source of my endless tossing and turning at night, and constant stress all day long. Nowadays, bubbles are what define each and every one of us. Student’s receive exams so often that the hours of reading, writing, and solving turns into a unknown language. It is laughable to think about this concept, as standardized tests do not measure all of our skills and abilities to our full extent. Parent’s that decide to opt their children out of these innumerable miseries have a valid and important opinion. Standardized tests are not aiding students in any way instead are providing stress or anxiety, and are only wasting precious time, and money. First of all, standardized tests do little in providing kids anything for their benefit and do little to …show more content…
Source A exemplifies this point. In the cartoon by Mike Keefe, one can observe a person trying to get a job in our economy. They hand the interviewer their test scores, yet the interviewer simply says that they are pointless. The columns in the cartoon, saying, “innovate,” and, “create,” show that test scores do not prove a person’s deeper creativity and wisdom. These tests merely measure our brain’s capacity to memorize rather than valuable characteristics such as innovation, for example, and true excellence. They do us little justice, to define who we truly are. They do not record artistic, musical, or even athletic abilities. What is the point of these “standards”, if they will do little to help us in our future, like getting a job we can excel at? Rather than prepare us for our long journey in life, they create pointless stress and despair, sometimes ruining our day to day lives. Source E writes, “Both teachers and students feel immense pressure to produce high test scores” (Karraby). There is so much emphasis on these tests, this is all we revolve around. The tests, that do not even