So, the idea of emerging adulthood is for sure more unique to those of American culture and of developed countries. while this idea does seem as though it may target certain socio economic back grounds particularly of upper/middle class which Hendry & Kloep (2007) briefly talk how “the theory of emerging adulthood is merely a description limited to a certain age cohort in certain societies at a certain historical time with a particular socioeconomic class” (p. 76). I completely agree with Hendry & Kloep (2007) and the reasoning behind why they do not agree with Arnett (2012). For example, Hendry & Kloep (2007) explained how nothing about emerging adulthood is as easy and simple as Arnett (2012) suggests. Arnett suggests that emerging adulthood starts at a certain time which I don’t agree with, but Hendry & Kloep (2007) contradict that by saying no that’s not right, because not only do people in different cultures experience this differently but some “reach adult status early, some later, and in some aspects, never” (Hendry & Kloep, 2007, p.74). Since life is ever changing aren’t people in a constant stage and feeling of in between when it all comes down to it. Emerging adulthood means different things from different cultures and the person's own feeling and