Asylum Seekers In Australia

Words: 556
Pages: 3

For asylum seekers, there are a number of legal and non-legal measures that help protect human rights. In terms of asylum seekers being allowed into Australia, it is not ‘illegal’, the UN Refugee Convention and Australian Migration Act 1958 states that it is a human right to seek asylum by boat in Australia. A legal measure that protects human rights is common law. Two non-legal measures that protect human rights are amnesty international and the media.

Australia’s common law was inherited from the UK. It is the laws made by judges. The judges applying common law principles mainly protect human rights. When it comes to the positive measures, common law acknowledgement of rights usually lacks the necessities contained in the human rights treaties for obligations on governments to take measures to protect human rights.
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In Australia, current government policy is shaped by around border protection concerns, and the idea that asylum seekers are “ breaking the rules “ according to amnesty international.
Asylum seekers that are arriving by boat make up less than 3% of Australia’s annual immigration, which goes to show it isn’t as bad as they make it seem in the media. Reasons for majority of asylum seekers arriving in Australia are because they want to flee torture, violence, war and persecution.
What amnesty’s aims are, they’re putting pressure on the Australian Government to; end offshore processing, end indefinite mandatory detention, ensure that Australia’s refugee status determination system is fair and robust and to develop a regional approach to asylum seekers. It has been very effective in sending a message to the government and world about the hardship asylum seekers go