Attending College

Words: 542
Pages: 3

People will often tell you that they want riches and fame when they grow older, how will that be possible without the proper education and schooling? Several people dream of being a doctor or a lawyer and they believe that it is possible to make one of those jobs out of thin air. It’s not. Often times, most businesses want to look acceptable and have their employees get a degree or a diploma to even be in the workplace. There are never-ending opportunities to attending college. One advantage of attending college is the opportunity to attend and experience a higher level of an education. College isn’t just a place that teaches the general basics on a variety of majors. Colleges have core classes and on top of those core classes, you can take a certain amount of electives that open you up to new majors and ideas. The electives can vary and there are countless ones you can sign up for to experience and learn from. A various amount of people enjoys the involvement they have in the new activities and classes. College isn’t just math, history, science, and English; college is a whole new world to experience and a new step in becoming an adult. The students aren’t sure on what they want to do when they step into reality or the students do not know what they take pleasure in doing. …show more content…
An adult with a college diploma will most likely have a higher income than one of a high school graduate. An adult with a college degree will most likely have a broader chance at acquiring a job and have extensive career options. When approaching a job opportunity against a person without a diploma versus a person who has a diploma, the person with a diploma and the higher education will most likely receive the job. Having a degree emphasizes that one has worked arduously for the place the person is in now and that the person has skills and knowledge on the