Auditory Hallucination Research Paper

Words: 969
Pages: 4

A hallucination occurs when an external stimulus is perceived, when in reality no stimulus is present. Hallucinations can affect all five senses, with auditory hallucinations being the most common. An auditory hallucination, also known as paracusia, is when an individual perceives sound in the absence of an auditory stimulus. The individual experiencing an auditory hallucination can experience sounds as simple as footsteps, to sounds as complicated as a voice talking to them. These types of hallucinations are often seen in individuals suffering from psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, but can also be side effects of certain medications, as well as related to intense lack of sleep, and use of certain drugs. Psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder are the most common causes of auditory …show more content…
If an individual goes a considerable amount of time without sleep, he or she can begin to experience auditory hallucinations. Because of the lack of sleep, neurons in the individual’s brain are under immense and prolong stress due to lack of repair that would be facilitated by sleep. Because these neurons are not functioning to their full capacity, activity within the brain becomes scattered and muddled, resulting in symptoms similar to psychosis (Melville). Individuals can also experience auditory hallucinations while under the influence of illicit drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, and amphetamines. Hallucinations can also occur as a result of withdrawal from drugs or alcohol, as part of a drug induced psychosis