As I see her is kind of cold hearted she stated that she wouldn't help a child, even though she knew it was right. She also talks about how a good person would sometimes take care of someone before they would take care of themselves. She says a “in the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life with productive achievement, she's basically saying you have to make yourself happy which I agree with.
I Ayn has a lot of quotes that really show what kind of person she is, here is one that I really liked.
Q”The question isn't who is going to let me; it’s who's going to stop me”.
A I really think that this fits with the discussion because she spoke her mind and never let her opinion go, and she didn't let people walk all over her.
T The next quote that I really like of Ayn’s is very good quote of hers, it defines her so well and how she lived life.
I The second quote I picked was talking about the desire of a man, and how if he wants something he has to achieve it, I think that's kind of her definition of a good person like it won't just hit you in the face you have to make it how you want