Ball-Contact Injuries In Sports Analysis

Words: 805
Pages: 4

 The purpose for this white paper is to measure the rate of ball-contact injuries by sport.
 Analyze the amount of inuries related to ball-contact injuries.
 Women’s soccer had one of the highest estimates for ball-contact injuries.
 In all the sports that had both men and women associated, women had a larger proportion than man in head and face injuries.
 Overall most injuries were identified as contusions, concussions and sprains.
 The need for more protective gear, a variety of strength exercises, and body mechanic correctives is high. INTRODUCTION
Although this article focuses on 11 different sports, I will be discussing ball-contatct related injuries in soccer. Soccer is a fun sport to watch, but can also be the toughest game to watch from looking at the injuries that occur. There are several ways to get in contact with the ball such as running to kick, sliding to kick, and running to head the ball. However, researchers have found out
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( Figure 1)
 Both men’s and women’s soccer had twice as much injuries in competition than in practice. (Figure 2)
 Ball-contact injuries were only accounted for approximately 5% of injuries in all sports, combined men’s and women’s soccer obtained one of the highest amount of injuries with four other sports out of the eleven studied.1
 Most of the men’s ball-contact injuries were hip, thigh, or upper leg injuries. (Figure 4)
 Women’s soccer had a greater amount of ball-contact injuries diagnosed as concussions than men. While men’s soccer ball-contact injuries was diagnosed as contusions. (Figure 3)
 In men’s and women’s soccer, heading was linked with 7(6.2%) and 24(12.8%) in ball-contact injuries. Four and eighteen of these injuries, caused a concussion percentages of 57.1% and 75%, from all heading