In implementing Riordan Manufacturing new sustainability plan barriers can occur for different reasons as well as from different business aspects. The best practices recommended for Riordan Manufacturing include; waste minimization, employee training and a comprehensive training and monitoring program. These recommendations will encounter barriers from a financial and social aspect of business. The first barrier is from a financial stand point. The recommendations for Riordan are to process waste at an offsite facility, also to follow in accordance with the Clean Air Act in reducing air pollution. Retaining the proper permits will be a costly endeavor. This financial barrier occurs because of the lack of communication between the sustainability team and the financial or budgeting team. If the vision of to become a more sustainable company and the finances don’t align then there will be issues, both teams have to be involved from the beginning, this is a cohesive project and implementation. The reasoning behind is not only to become more sustainable but to have a positive impact on the work that we are contributing to as a team and to the environment. Financial barriers will also occur because it can be difficult to see how the sustainably changes will impact the business and the bottom line. It is hard to assign a value or metric to “externalities”, like air pollution, and waste management. The environmental footprint Riordan