Definition: “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs”
FM’s role in sustainability
FM needs to conserve and manage resource with a controlled system to ensure that revenue-producing operations have the materials, facilities, and utilities to allow effective operations without damaging the future availability of those resources
FM’s responsibility to reduce the amount of energy used by cooling systems
To operate profitably without endangering the future of the business, a FM must establish procedures and policies that control the use of resources such as energy, water, and waste
Energy management has a direct economic effect on the organization by reducing operating costs
Effective energy management protects the natural environment by the reduction of wasted resources
Effective waste management can also affect the profit levels of the establishment by reducing the loss of valuable resources and cutting cost of disposal
The FM must study the property to identify opportunities for reuse and recycling but it must be done as an organized and managed procedure
Issues to Sustainability
Sometimes to achieve the goals of the owner, it is required for FM to maximize the profits over a short period of time while disregarding the importance of sustainability
This is when FM must decide whether he/she can support those business goals at the expense of the environment
The alternative is to not damage the environment, but fail to meet the owner’s goals
FM may have to confront the owners and inform them of the dilemma and may decide to leave the organization if the dilemma cannot be resolved
The 6 credit checklists used to attain LEED certification:
1) Sustainable Sites
a. Pave Non-roof surfaces with highly reflective materials or open grid pavement
b. Install green roof for improved stormwater management and reduced energy use
c. Provide environmentally friendly transportation for guests and staff with shuttle program
d. Allow majority of site to remain undisturbed in its natural habitat
2) Water Efficiency
a. Install high-efficiency plumbing fixtures (showerhead, using less water for each toilet flush)
b. Landscape with native plant species that require little water
c. Install waterless toilets and drought tolerant plants
d. Install low-flow fixtures and flow restrictors (low-flow toilets and showerheads)
3) Energy and Atmosphere
a. Install rooftop solar water heating system (use collected energy to