Beat The Host Analysis

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Q And A, Beat the host.
Welcome to question and answers with BBC TV on the fun game show Beat the Host and welcome our guest speaker today ms Rhiannon bird ancient history student, and don’t forget your loyal and trustworthy host, it’s me. Today’s episode is all about the ancient times were looking closer into the revolution of Greek theatre where did it come from? What style of theatre is it? Has it influenced modern day theatre today and if so how? As all the viewers know Rhiannon has 7 questions to be able to catch me out if she doesn’t she doesn’t take home the major prize of 15,000. Shows such as game of thrones has taken the tragedy in Greek theatre to a whole other level could it be that the great show game of thrones provides us a look at the influence of Greek theatre on modern day drama
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Rhiannon: confident
Me: well okay then let’s get started you have seven questions to catch me out if I answer a question incorrectly the game will stop immediately and you will be given your money. Our Ancient history expert will be behind scenes helping the viewers know the questions okay lets go.
Rhiannon: What changes have occurred to the traditional Greek theatre structure and if there are none why hasn’t it changed?
Me: there are two types of theatre styles in Greek theatre each follow a different structure. Comedy and tragedy are both key aspects of ancient Greek theatre The Greek theatre history began with festivals honouring their gods. According to Aristotle Greek philosopher and historian there are three unities. Unity of action: the play should have one main action that it follows, with no or few subplots. Unity of place: the play should cover a single physical space and should not attempt to compress geography. The stage should only represent one place Unity of time: the action in a play should take place over no more than twenty-four (24) hours

Rhiannon: that is