But that’s not all you need; a lot of student believe that they are really good at multitasking because they do it all the time so they study and while doing many different things. The issue is many students never really compare how they do multitasking to how well they do without distractions. Research evidence shows they we are bad at multitasking especially concentration and effort while studying. We fool ourseleves thinking we can multitask but we actually can not. In order to succeed, you have to reduced or eliminate your distraction. For every distraction you have, you reduced the amount you learn, increase the time it takes to learn the material and increase the chance of a bad grade. A new concept that can have a huge impact on your learning is Metacognition. Metacognition is a student’s awareness of their level of understanding of a topic. Accurate metacognition is the key difference between successful and weaker students. Weaker students are over confident, as a result of this they don’t study as much as they need to. They take an exam they are confident that they did well but they actually