Benefits Of Exercise Essay

Submitted By shanayabrooklyn18
Words: 1002
Pages: 5

Exercise is not a cure for cancer, or a cure of death, but exercise is an important aspect to lead a better life. Exercise will help mentally and physically. Even with exercise though, people that are older than 25 have a decreasing cardiovascular fitness of 1% per year. Getting daily exercise prevents many illnesses. Exercise prevents non-insulin dependent diabetes, high blood pressure, and the common cold. Both non-insulin dependent diabetes and high blood pressure patients can be cured by exercising to lose weight. A study also shows that fewer colds are found once a person starts running regularly. Moderate exercise has been linked to a positive immune system response and a temporary boost in the production of macrophages (the cells that attack bacteria). It is believed that regular, consistent exercise can lead to substantial benefits in immune system health over the long-term. Exercise may not prevent diseases, but it does lower the risk for a person who exercises. A person who exercises lowers their risk of having heart disease and colon cancer. Everyday exercise strengthens heart muscle, lowers cholesterol and improves blood flow and working capacity of a person’s heart. When a person’s body is moving, so is the waste in their body. Exercising will give extra help to remove and push waste through the colon because it stimulates peristalsis (a muscular contraction). Exercising is decreasing colon cancer risk by up to 40%. By maintaining a daily routine of exercise, it will decrease excess fat on the body, giving a person a toned and lean physique. While losing weight, HDL (high-density lipoproteins) will be increased, decreasing the risk of coronary heart disease. HDL also destroys LDL (low-density lipoproteins), which is the cholesterol that clogs arteries. Exercise will keep a person’s weight down, which also helps mentally. A person, who looks better, usually feels better about themself. Self-esteem is a main reason for a person to exercise. If a person does not like how they look, or how they act, and value themselves less for it, they become less social, becoming mentally unstable, maybe leading to depression. Physical activity helps to bump up the production of the brain's endorphins. This is also referred to as a “runner’s high”. From producing the brain’s endorphins a person can become proud of their physique, wanting to it off to everyone, because they are proud of what they have accomplished. Depression is reduced after exercising daily. Exercises influence on peoples moods and the way they feel about themselves. A person who is depressed is often found sitting at home, by themself, not wanting to get out and socialize with anyone because of how lousy they feel. They start to gain weight because they literally do not want to do anything. One of the best cures for mild to moderate depression is exercise. Harvard University did a study, which stated exercise is a cure for depression just as much as antidepressants are. By helping these problems, anxiety is reduced and also depression. Physical activity also manages stress. Stress can either make a person lose weight or gain weight, but in an unhealthy manner. Stress can affect eating habits largely, unless a person exercises. Exercise can balance the stress out, by often forgetting the day's irritations and lets a person concentrate only on their body's movements. A person begins to regularly shed their daily tensions through movement and physical activity. This focus on a single task, and the resulting energy and optimism, can help a person remain calm and clear in everything that they do. Exercise can also help with rehabilitation, for an example with backs. Many people get injured every day, some end up going to physical therapists, and some who just get better on their own. People with back injuries are encouraged to