Betty Friedan Research Paper

Words: 274
Pages: 2

Betty Friedan opened the door for women to fight for gender equality, and to prove that women’s rights are valid. Betty Friedan wrote her book The Feminine Mystique in 1963, Betty Friedan and her book The Feminine Mystique paved the way for women’s rights in America throughout the second half of the twentieth century. Betty Friedan, before her fame, was born February 4, 1921, in Peoria, IL. As a child, Friedan had a difficult childhood, with Betty and her mother Miriam Horwitz Goldstein. Later in life, Friedan attributed it to her mother’s anger about not pursuing a career outside the home. In 1938, Betty Friedan attended Smith College. During college, she was a part of the school's newspaper. While working in the newspaper, Betty worked on