Instead, my worldview was what C. Fred Smith called an “atomic worldview” (Smith 2015, 8) .
The approach to the natural world was a cold world, devoid of meaning, we exist and then we died. The problem of having such a view not only meant it conflicts with a biblical worldview, but devoid life of meaning as John MacArthur described in his book, “The Battle for the Beginning”. MacArthur states the problem with having a worldview as I had would be, “The results of the naturalistic evolutionary hypothesis have left a spiritual void that “erases all moral and ethical accountability and ultimately abandons all hope for humanity.” (MacArthur 2001, 15) If like Sagan had proposed that the planet is lonely and there is no help, it’s hard to care if there is a natural disaster or why should it matter if I don’t recycle an aluminum can if at the end, we are just