Western Worldview Research Paper

Words: 1981
Pages: 8

This research essay discusses and explores the Western worldview perspectives of the environmental issues as well as a cultural point of view. I will be exploring what it means to have a Western worldview in how we treat the environment and how sometimes our cultural worldviews can clash with another one. I will also look at the Biblical narrative and what God says about His creation and the environment and what he expects of us when it comes to looking after the earth.
Western Worldviews on the Environment
Every person has a different way of viewing the world that is based on what a our simple beliefs are and with our basic beliefs and values. We are able to make sense of the world and to gain an understanding of knowing where our place and
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Small Japanese coastal communities had became dependent on whaling not only for the material benefits but for the social and cultural benefits (Catalinac & Chan, 200, p. 135). Today, they stand alongside other countries who are pro-whaling such as Norway and Iceland and still make no objections to their beliefs. With regard to their environmental worldviews the Japanese refuse to back down from their beliefs and will not give into the pressures of the Western countries. In 1989 survey was taken by the United Nations Environment Program, in which it sought to evaluate the attitudes of the public towards the environment. Held in fourteen different countries, Japan showed the least concern for the environment; their concerns about the environment are based around the issues of air pollution, and are defined to the human health and well-being. Japan do have small environmental groups such as Green Peace Japan, The Japan Wildlife Conservation Society and Ikura and Kujira Action Network (Catalinac & Chan, 200). All these environment groups take action on any anti-whaling campaigns which are lead by overseas residents. However, according to Amy Catalinac and Gerald Chan (Japan, the West, and the Whaling Issue: Understanding the Japanese Side), the Japanese do not distinguish the …show more content…
In Leviticus 25:1-12 God spoke to Moses giving the people of Israel the care of the land. Although, He has entrusted us to look after his creation, He did not intend for us to misuse it or take advantage of it. For over a century Christians have become unresponsive about confronting the environmental issues, some Christians have distanced themselves from these environmental matters or also known as the “Green agenda” because it was considered to have been associated with pagan nature-worship of the New Age spirituality (White,