Bilingualism Report

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Pages: 2

Bilingualism helps people who are bilingual get jobs. Money is a powerful weapon and an important role in today’s society; consequently, people will do many things to acquire more of it. It might be easily assumed that learning a new language increases the chance that one will get hired, but it also drastically increases pay. Firstly, a recent analytic report states that “...multicultural consumers welcome brands and marketing messages that reflect and acknowledge the complexity and bicultural nature of their identities and aspirations” (Gil 31). Since a consumer will more likely buy from a relatable company, it can be inferred that a company that is trying to increase both domestic and international business will more likely hire someone who …show more content…
In addition to corporate jobs, becoming bilingual opens new doors of job opportunities. According to CNN Money: “translators and interpreters are expected to be one of the 15 fastest growing occupations in the nation” (qtd. in “Charting the projections: 2012–22”). In fact, the week that the U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published that prediction, 12,000 job listings with keyword “bilingual” were posted on, which supports the idea that around 25,000 interpreter and translator jobs are expected to become available between 2010 and 2020 (What is it? Fluency in a foreign language). Although becoming a translator may not be a first-choice occupation to many, it still presents another opportunity to those that are bilingual than to those that are monolingual, especially if both are unemployed. In the same way that bilingualism is to job opportunity, it is to money earned. Albert Saiz, the MIT economist who originally calculated the 2% premium (the general rule that bilingual people make 2% more), reevaluated the value each language held on a company (qtd. in Saiz and Zodio 2). The new premiums