Central dogma: DNA codes for mRNA which codes proteins
Transcription - production of mRNA
Translation - synthesis of protein from mRNA
Autoradigraphy - radioactive tagging Chapter 3 key points * Hemoglobin is a protein - 4 subunits of globin; each globin has 1 heme group, which binds oxygen. Your body has LOTS of these proteins - 250 million per red blood cell; there are about 5 million red blood cells per milliliter; you have about 5 liters of blood in you … that’s a lot of hemoglobin … and every RBC is replaced every 120 days … A change in a single amino acid can Change properties dramatically (sickle cell anemia) (altering a glutamate to a valine) * In cells, most proteins are enzymes that function as catalysts…Chemical reactions occur much faster when they are catalyzed by enzymes. During enzyme catalysis, the reactants bind to an enzyme’s active site in a way that allows the reaction to proceed efficiently. * Proteins formed by peptide bonds between amino acids. Carboxl group of 1 amino acid interacts with the amino end of another – THIS IS A CONDENSATION RXN AKA DEHYDRATION REACTION H20 Is FORMED ..POLYMER IN H20 OUT * Enormous diversity of potential proteins…20^n possible