Issac Newton discovered inertia and made it into his first law. If a ball is thrown in space, it will continue to go in a straight line until another force acts upon it and changes it inertia. Next, range of motion is the full movement potential of a muscle or joint. Different types of movement require a different range of motion. If you are just walking you might not need a full range of motion, but if you are sprinting you might need your full range of motion. Certain injuries can hurt your range of motion. For example, if you hurt your elbow you might not be able to fully extend it until it is fully healed. A lesser range of motion can greatly affect you especially if you are an athlete. Depending on the sport, athletes may have a greater range of motion than just an average person because their body has become more flexible. Range of motion is related to the force-time principle because of the time it takes to fully go through your range of