Black Hole Research Paper

Words: 916
Pages: 4

Black holes are regions in space, where gravity is so immense that light itself can not escape1. A Black Hole is invisible to the eye, because there is no light inside of a black hole. However, this does not mean that we do not know where they are. Scientists have learned to look at the stars that are around the location of the black hole. Stars will act different when there is a black hole near them. Black holes are formed when the radiation of the star dies out. When the star dies out, it collapses in on itself causing the star to be crushed into a small area that is full of mass. From there the black hole will suck up everything around it adding to its already huge mass. There are 3 different parts to a black hole. The first is …show more content…
The second is the Inner Event Horizon. Lastly there is the Singularity. The Outer Event Horizon is the space that is located directly outside of the black hole. The Outer Event Horizon is a key part to the black hole because as soon as a particle crosses it, it is lost forever inside of the black hole. This is due to the extreme gravity that occurs inside of the black hole. The Outer Event Horizon is also important because when it starts to decay, the black hole will start to “die” with it. The Inner Event Horizon is the space that is located after the Outer Event Horizon. This is the space between the outside of the hole and where the mass is stored. The Inner Event Horizon is inescapable. The last part of the black hole, the Singularity, is where all the mass inside of the black hole is stored. In relation to the amount of mass that is stored, it is also the strongest part …show more content…
These are the smallest of the black holes, only being about 4 times the mass of the sun. If the mass is less than that the star will most likely become a white dwarf star or a neutron star. A Stellar black hole is still immensely strong even though it is smaller than the others. It is so strong because the size of the hole is about the size of a city. To put this into perspective, that is 4+ times the mass of the sun being stuck into a proportionately tiny space like a city. The second type of black hole is the Supermassive black hole. These holes are Millions to Billions times the mass of the sun that is spread out to about the radius of our sun. While these holes are exceptionally big to us, they are still insanely tiny to the amount of mass that is inside of them. Next is the hole that we do not now much about, the Intermediate black hole. This hole is fairly new in the scientific community that is believed to be a middle ground between the smaller Stellar holes and the much larger Supermassive holes. These Intermediate holes are believed to form when stars in a cluster collide in a chain reaction. The first sighting of one was in 2014 in the arm of a spiral galaxy, They have not seen a single one since then. The last black hole is the largest black hole that scientists believe is out there to date. This black hole is called a Ultramassive hole. These holes are 10 to 40