Black Hole Research Paper

Words: 446
Pages: 2

Envision the idea of traveling to the center of the Milky Way passing through millions of stars. Passing through the dust and gas about 26000 light years away there is a supermassive black hole. This paper explores themes of a supermassive black hole, such as what it is, the birth of a black hole, how did they get so large, quasar, what it leaves behind and the recent findings. A black hole is just an invisible empty space nothing can escape from it, not even light 2. It is black because no light can pass through it and the light is rushing towards the black hole which creates darkness of a black hole. It is empty because any object that passes through the hole the gravitation pull of the black hole is strong enough that the object falls right into the center and it gets destroyed leaving nothing behind. …show more content…
A black hole is a space-time region where the gravitational field is so strong that no information carrying object and signals can escape it 1. They are three types of black holes and by determining the mass and the size tells the type of the black hole 2. The categories are known as primordial, stellar, and supermassive black holes 2. The smallest black holes are known as primordial and it is assumed that the formation started after the big bang 2. A supermassive black hole is the largest of the three and the formation occurred at the same time as the galaxy formed 2. In the universe, they are millions of galaxies, and in every galaxy, there is a supermassive black hole at the center of its core. To analyze what from these supermassive black holes and how they are at the center of the galaxy let’s go back to the beginning of time where it all