Bladder Cancer: A Case Summary

Words: 1787
Pages: 8

Khokon Saha
Ms. Theresa Horvath
Case analysis:
A 40-year-old male with no past medical history presents to the clinic to establish care. He reports that he had a prior urinalysis that revealed blood as an incidental finding. The urinalysis was done as a standard screening test by his former employer. He denies ever seeing any blood in his urine and denies any voiding difficulties, dysuria, sexual dysfunction, or any history or risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases. His review of systems is otherwise negative. He has smoked a half-pack of cigarettes per day for the past 10 years and exercises by jogging 15 minutes and lightweight training daily. On examination, his vital signs are normal and the entire. A complete blood count (CBC) and a chemistry panel (electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and
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The diagnosis is often delayed due to the similarity of these symptoms to those of benign disorders (urinary tract infection, interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, passage of renal calculi), and delays can lead to a worsened prognosis due to more advanced stage at diagnosis .Also, symptoms are often intermittent. In some patients, metastases will cause the initial symptoms. Also these are symptoms may be present.
Pain: Pain associated with bladder cancer is usually the result of locally advanced or metastatic tumor. Flank pain may result when a tumor obstructs the ureter suprapubic pain is usually a sign of a locally advanced tumor. Abdominal or right upper quadrant pain may signal the presence of abdominal lymph node or liver metastases.
Voiding symptoms: voiding symptoms are most common in patients with carcinoma Irrigative voiding symptoms (eg, daytime and/or nocturnal frequency, urgency, dysuria, or urge incontinence) occur in approximately one-third of patients. This patient has hematuria and history of