Antonio’s conflict of what he has seen is brought forth when he declares in his mind, “ This is what I had expected God to do at my first holy communion!... I had sinned! I clasped my and was about to pray to the heaven when the water exploded!” (pg 114) Everytime Antonio gives his attention to, or turns toward his religion for help, something happens that draws his attention away from his faith. It ends up causing more turbulence and confusion, generating questions for Antonio, creating doubt in the power and being of his religion. His sense of being lost is magnified when he took his first communion, “ There wasn’t time just to sit and discover him, like I could do when I sat on the creek bank and watched the golden carp swim in the sun-filtered waters.. Only emptiness.” (pg 221) Antonio had thought something physical or an immediate coming of knowledge would miraculously occurred during his first communion. When nothing spectacular happened, the lack of being enlightened in the moment of receiving the body of Christ for the first time, left him speculating and feeling dejected, lost, and utterly confused. He started questioning the basis of his faith, foreshadowing his future as a priest is not concrete. Antonio always struggled to find the answer as in where to place his faith. Antonio’s two sides were