Blood Pressure

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Pages: 8

Picture of Blood Pressure

Contraction of the muscle of the heart is the primary determinant of blood pressure. Blood pressure can be in two ways. Systolic pressure is called the first or the high number of blood pressure readings. This reading is the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts. The second or low number of blood pressure readings is the diastolic pressure. This reading is the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats. A sphygmomanometer is used to measure blood pressure. High blood pressure is called hypertension. Blood pressure that is too low is called hypotension.

3. Knowing what is expected of me as a professional nurse to care for Mrs. Violet Smith.
Professionalism in Nursing.

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Florence Nightingale promoted excellence in the 19th century, creating awareness to raise nursing profession to a respectable profession that has caring, compassion, and clinical competence. Creating a standard uniform for nurses as part of her effort to professionalize nursing (Houweling, 2004). The nursing role definition is complicated and dynamic. Nursing is listed as the most trustworthy profession by Over 80% of Americans in all Gallup Poll since 2005 (Swift, 2013). The perception of nursing consists of different ideas, which nursing is a healthcare profession by Cohen, Bartholomew, Swihart, and Tomajan (2014). Nurses noted several actions that they felt shape patient perception about them in research studies, such as if they introduce themselves to patients as their nurse, and if patients want to be called by their names and the level of their professionalism. The results of the study indicated 90% of nurses felt how they dressed had an impact on the way patients perceive them.
In the last 20 years, the uniforms most Registered Nurses wear have changed significantly. Healthcare personnel early generation, nursing staff especially were informed to adhere to work attire policies, stringent dress codes, and White uniforms and nursing caps have changed by coloured scrubs with cartoon or print signs. White polished shoes for nursing have changed to
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38). Widespread themes are apparent, caring, teaching, advocacy, supporting, promoting, maintaining holistic health care are all features of nursing practice in a professional manner, regardless of numerous definitions. The profession is subject to misconception because definitions of nursing can reflect society's values and influences. Nursing as a profession has advanced over the centuries and continued to grow as a reaction to society’s needs. (Craven & Hirnle, 2009). made this statement "I have come to an understanding that the term 'professional nursing practice' is not relatively simple to define." It is a sophisticated and widespread concept that involves caring for communities and populations of people and addressing issues with far-reaching social implications; it means being socially responsible, engaging and committed to the wellbeing of the people (Craven & Hirnle,