Blue Collar Brilliance Analysis

Words: 773
Pages: 4

If you ask people what success in life is, many will picture themselves with a two story house and a fancy new Mercedes that they leased. If you ask me, I will say it’s not the material things that define success, it’s all the knowledge, articulation and respect you gain throughout the years. Many people would disagree, but I would prefer to have solid connections and rapport with my coworkers and the general public.
Many characteristics come to mind when thinking of a successful life. The first for me is knowledge. In “Blue-Collar Brilliance” by Mike Rose, he says, “A waitress acquires knowledge and intuition about the ways and the rhythms of the restaurant business.” The same goes when wearing your Sam Browne as a police officer. You are the dictionary of the streets when it comes to law enforcement. Civilians approach you with problems to everyday life and your mission is to solve those problems with the best training and knowledge readily available. You have to be quick on your feet to come up with life
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Although a college degree isn’t required to be an officer, I have chosen to obtain my AS in Administration of Justice before I apply. I’m currently enrolled in school and have realized that it will take me about 2 ½ years to graduate. School is such a slow pace environment and that’s one obstacle that I have to overcome. I have to realize that school isn’t the same as the military. The army has shaped me in a way that has me going full speed. Now that I’ve separated, I’m slowly adjusting to others around me. Mike Rose states, “I began to see formal education as a means of fulfillment and as a road toward making a living.” I totally agree with Mike Rose. Without an education, you’re seen as someone who isn’t motivated or show initiative. At times, I want to drop everything and join LAPD. But every single time after that, I think about the doors this degree will open up for