Why Does Blue-Collar Work?

Words: 466
Pages: 2

Blue-Collar Jobs, majority of the world thinks that they are less hard-working or valuable than white-collar jobs, well I believe that they are extremely misguided.Many people assume that white-collar jobs require more intelligence and effort , just because they require a certain amount of education.Blue-Collar workers have many of the same skills and tools that white-collar workers go to school for four or more years to learn.Blue-Collar work demands both on the body and mind.Moreover, blue-collar work helps teach with more hands-on experience.

Blue-Collar workers and jobs should be considered as equals to white-collar workers and jobs.

Blue-Collar jobs help teach math, social skills, and reading to it's workers with first-hand experience. White-Collar workers go to school for the same amount of time or longer to learn the exact same skills. According to the article Blue-Collar Brilliance, a man named Joe lacked formal knowledge of machines, but had direct experience and hands-on knowledge.Due to this knowledge of machines he was able to learn budget and management skills, and run an efficient workplace.
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White-Collar jobs are known to only require the use of mental skills. Simple Blue-Collar jobs demand much more on the body. For example a waitress, according to the article Blue-Collar Brilliance ,the author's mother worked as a waitress. She had to use her mind and body to make a living. From the social cues and memory strategies she learned to benefit her customers, to the strength and the knowledge of her own body to be able to carry multiple items at