I can relate to when Mike Rose talks about how he noticed at his Mother’s workplace, physical labor was in comparison with capability. As a Home Health Aide you must be able to carry out tasks which requires your physical endurance. Home Health Aide job consists of hands on practical work, minimal manual labor, critical thinking, genuinity, reliability, leadership skills, ability to take initiative. Although primarily you are assisting clients to carry out their activities of daily living, you are also providing companionship. Mike Rose also shares in the article how his Mom served many purposes with her job, one of which is that she was emotionally supportive to her customers. I can totally relate to this, whenever I visit a client’s home, I give my undivided attention to that client, sometimes they may wish to vent about an issue and I am glad to be a listening ear. This job is demanding mentally and physically. However the power of a positive connection with a client is