Bob Ewell Trial

Words: 529
Pages: 3

Good morning, my name is Alisha Karst, and it is my pleasure to represent Maycomb County and to serve as a prosecutor in this important case. On November 21, the defendant in this matter, Bob Ewell, committed a crime with his deception. He doesn't like black people and he was mad at his daughter Mayella Ewell for talking and hanging out with Tom Robinson. At the beginning of every day, Tom Robinson would pass by Ewell's house every day to go to town. Tom sees Mayella always working and decides to offer help because he feels sorry for her. Mayella’s father was coming back and saw Mayella kiss Tom. I think after Tom ran, Bob raped his daughter as a punishment for kissing a black man who happened to be Tom Robinson. Members of the jury, the County will review the evidence against Bob Ewell, who is being deceived by Tom Robinson, who’s being accused. …show more content…
“I ran into the house and saw Mayella lying on the floor squawking around like she was dying” (Lee 199). “He never thought about calling a doctor when he saw the bruises and everything including Mayella’s left eye which was severely black and blue” (Lee 199). “Bob Ewell wrote his name with his left hand when he was asked to write his name on an envelope” (Lee 201). “Tom Robinson is crippled, his left arm falling to his side because it didn’t work because of an old injury when he got in a fight with another man” (Lee 216). I believe that Bob Ewell is guilty, the reasons are because he has a drinking problem. He comes home drunk all the time and he probably hit Mayella Ewell when he was drunk and because he saw her kiss a black guy. His lifestyle at home is a bit confusing and can be a cause of having barely any food and the children are dirty. Bob Ewell also wastes all the money he gets on alcohol and anything for himself instead of his