Body Planes Essay

Submitted By ilian_cr7
Words: 912
Pages: 4

Body planes And Directions

Table of contents
Pickle activity ………………………………………………………………………………. Page 1-3
Short story …………………………………………………………………………………... Page 4
Body orientation ………………………………………………………………………….. Page: 5-6
Color the cavities…………………………………………………………………………. Page: 7
Abdominal regions………………………………………………………………….. Page :8

Examine the outside of your pickle “patient” for any irregularities, scars, bumps, and so on. Draw both a ventral and a dorsal view of your pickle, noting any unique features. You can also make notes below.
Dorsal view
Two bumps on superior frontal area divided by the sternum, inferior to shoulders.
Ventral view
Two bumps proximal to inferior transverse plane


Using the dissecting knife, open the ventral cavity by making a deep, Y-shaped incision. The arms of the Y should start just anterior to the shoulders, and should join at a point just inferior to the breastbone. Continue in a single cut extending inferiorly through the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Draw your patient, showing the incisions, and include the following labels:
a. Anterior surface of shoulders
b. Inferior point of breastbone
c. Abdominal cavity
d. Pelvic cavity

e. As your incision passes through the abdominal and pelvic cavities, what plane does it follow? (It follows the sagittal plane .)
f. What are some organs you can see inside these cavities in a human being?
- You can see the heart, the stomach and intestines / lungs

PART 3. ; Dorsal:
Make two lateral cuts, each beginning just inferior to the axilla and ending just superior to the legs
. Make an incision that connects the two inferior points of the axilla and another that connects the two superior points of the legs.
Cranial cavity
Spinal cavity
Point inferior to the diaphragm
Point over left pleural cavity
Point superior to the umbilicus and inferior to the diaphragm

Short Story:
In this dream I believe me, my family and my grandparents were on a family vacation. We go to a house in really nice place, but no one in my family want to take me out; they were ashamed of me because I had some irregularities in my body. My superior part of the body was much bigger than the inferior part. I also don’t have an oral cavity so I want able to talk. I was like a monster in my anterior part. My dorsal part was the best thing I had and still was not that good. My grandpa was the one that hate me the most so one day I was playing in the backyard and he go to talk with me, he was talking in an ironic tone. Slowly take out a knife and make a superficial and deep hole between the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. I still was alive so he did another hole proximal to the heart or medial to the arm but this one was distal to the lateral part. I died because this affects me the cardiovascular system. After my dead, I became a ghost the skeletal system was the only thing I had but still go to my parents’ house to scare them and make their life miserable as they did with me. At the time I wake up I was crying and screaming and I was scare of my parents and grandparents.

Body Orientation Quiz: HW
1. Describe how a body would be divided by each of the following types of planes: A. Frontal (Coronal) divides body into anterior and posterior sections. B. Midsagittal: divides body into equal right and left sides C. Sagittal: divides body into right and left sides D. Transverse: divides body into superior and inferior sections

2. Identify the correct directional term to complete the following statements. A. The liver is inferior to the diaphragm. B. Fingers are located distal to the wrist bones. C. The skin on the dorsal surface of your body is said to be located on your posterior surface. D. The great (big) toe is medial to the