An example of this brutal sexism is in chapters 1 and 2, when the king punishes the queen for ignoring his command. It all started when king Ahasuerus makes a grand feast for the princes and even the servants of the land. They ate and drank to their harts the same time the queen was having her own party with the women. Once the king was drunk enough , he sent out his seven eunuchs to fetch vashti in order to display her infinite beauty. when summoned she refused to present herself before the king. He became furious with the queen and decided to punish her for not obeying his commandments. The king and his advisers saw her as a therat to their society, a bad influence for all he m=women of the land. This is because if she could disobey the king, her husband woman would think it is okay to do so and rebel. As a consequence for her actions the king and his council decided to make a new law which stated that “ all wives will treat their husband with respect, high and low alike”. After the king finally calmed down he decided to dethrone vashti for dishonoring him. This right here would not happen in today’s world. Back then women were viewed as “pets”. They were to multiply, obey and behave as perfect