Bookmark 8 Essay

Submitted By koko1010
Words: 1452
Pages: 6

Period 2 Bookmark 8
Pgs. 720-729

What were the causes of World War 1?
Vocabulary Chart

Vocabulary | Definition | Nationalism | A strong sense of pride and loyalty to ones nation or culture. Nationalism inspired people who shared a language or culture to want to unite politically. | Imperialism | Another source of tension in Europe was imperialism. Britain’s huge empire, stretching from Africa to Asia, brought it wealth and power. Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. | Militarism | In this competitive atmosphere, nations focused their resources on militarism- the aggressive strengthening of armed forces. | The Alliance System | As nations became more powerful, they sought to protect themselves by forming new alliances. Each promised to defend the other in case of an enemy attack. |

How did the assassination of the Archduke start World War 1?
Stop and Jot

With so much hostility dividing the nations of Europe, a German General felt that “a European war is bound to come sooner or later”. All that was needed was spark to set Europe on fire. On June 28, 1914, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary visited the providence capital. The assignation shattered Europe’s fragile peace. It began to mobilize, or prepare its military for war. Two days later, Germany also declared war on France, Russia’s ally. To reach France quickly, the German army marched into Belgium on August 4. Britain, which had promised to support Belgium, then declared war on Germany.

As the fighting started, the alliance between Austria-Hungry and Germany came to be known as the Central Powers. Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire later sided with the Central Powers. France, Russia, and Britain were known as the Allied Powers. Italy joined them in 1915. Over the next several years, soldiers from 30 nations and six continents would fight in what was then called the Great War. The conflict later became known as World War 1.

What new strategies and technologies were used in the early battles of the war?
Diary Entry

Dear Diary,
Both sides expected the war to be over in a few months. German leaders plan to defeat friends quickly, before Russia could join the fighting. But as the Germans march toward France, they met fierce resistance from Belgian soldiers. This gave Britain and France time to mobile eyes their own troops. The first battle of the Marne. Belgian resistance slowed the German in advance but could not stop it. On September 3rd ,the German army was just 25 miles from Paris, the capital of France. The first French army blocked the German advance at the Marne River, east of Paris. The first battle of the Marne raged for several days before the Germans were pushed back. Part of what made World War 1 so long and deadly was the new technique called trench warfare. Defending a position by fighting from the protection of the deep ditches. When the French defeated the Germans in the first battle of the Marne, the Germans did not retreat far instead, they dug trench is nearby soldiers fought in these cold wet and muddy ditches sometimes for months at a time. The filthy trenches were perfect breeding ground for James, and soldiers on both sides die from disease. The empty patch of ground between an Emmy trenches came to be known as no man's land. This area with quickly stripped of treason blast a full of holes by artillery shells. Anyone who ventured into no man's land is likely to be killed by enemy fire. Other shells spread poisonous gases. If soldiers were not wearing gas masks, the gas destroyed their lungs, causing slow, painful death. Other new weapons included tanks and airplanes. Tanks are armored combat vehicles that can cause heavy damage but cannot be destroyed easily. Airplanes were used to fire down on soldiers in trenches and to gather information about enemy location. Airplanes also battled each other in