First, the environmental effects are very prominent. As we saw one of the videos, the wall may not affect the birds that can fly over but other animals that travel on the ground are certainly disrupted. The wall blocks their migration and general lifestyle of roaming the terrain and hence leading the death of some animals. Some animals have even gone into the endangered classification as a result of the wall. Second, the political and cultural effects go hand in hand. When I talk about political and cultural effects, I refer to the people. As mentioned in one of the readings and in one of the videos, the United States is a country created by immigrants, going as far back as when the English immigrated to form the 13 colonies. With this being said “the wall” which prevents immigrants from entering contradicts the base structure of the country. Also, with more and more money being put into the betterment of the wall, it seems that more and more people deaths …show more content…
When thinking of other countries, the most famous to come to mind is the Great Wall of China. Even this incredible wall didn’t prevent everyone from pass it. Now looking at the border between Mexico and the U.S., from the readings its mentions that with the betterment of part of wall, it reduced the influx of illegal immigrants by over 70 percent. While this is all well and good, it still didn’t solve the problem fully as there we still illegal immigrants