Boston Youth Offender Program Analysis

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Pages: 3

The importance of successfully reintegrating juvenile offenders cannot be overstated as returning offenders to their communities without investing in their rehabilitation will only contribute to their failure. Additionally, by not providing support would leave our communities at risk with high recidivism rates, staggering unemployment and an increase in families living in poverty. What follows, is an outline of three very successful community programs that offer juvenile offenders an opportunity to develop valuable life skills, reach critical educational goals and obtain gainful and meaningful employment. But most importantly, provide an avenue for juvenile offenders to reintegrate as valued member of the community exhibiting socially acceptable …show more content…
These particular youths have demonstrated that they lack the appropriate social and life skills and come from homes that lack a positive role or influence. This program, through the use of support groups and staff members, empowers juvenile offenders to become more social with their peers and encourages them to eventually take on a mentoring role with other offenders. The program’s success has been recognized by the Department of Labor as one of the most innovative service delivery programs in youth development. In fact, the impact of PYFS has lead to such a significant decrease in the juvenile docket that the program directly contributed to the closure of a juvenile detention …show more content…
This program combines the resources of The Boston Private Industry Council with the Mayor’s Office and offers high-risk juveniles the opportunity for gainful employment. Other partners that support this program are the Boston Police Department, Department of Probation and The Department of Social Services who provide valuable training opportunities and juvenile counseling.
The YO program provides juvenile offenders who are held within detention facilities with an intensive intervention program where they meet with staff members in order to familiarize themselves with what the program has to offer. Prior to the offender’s release, YO helps them to develop a plan for their release back into the community and offers daylong passes so offenders can attend professional or life skills training outside of the facility. These measures help to facilitate a trusting and respectful relationship between the youth, staff, and probation and parole officers. As these relationships develop, offenders are encouraged to fully participate in the program and assists in their positive transition back into the community. In terms of employment opportunities, the YO program’s well-developed work model provides a gradual transition from a supported work environment to job placement in the private sector. The YO curriculum offers a winter jobs program