Section 1 Assessment
1. Terms & Names
Imperialism: the takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the political, economic, and social life of the people of that nation
Racism: idea that one race us superior to others
Social Darwinism: “survival of the fittest” were applied to social change
Berlin Conference 1884-85: Europeans nations met to lay down rules for the division of Africa
Shaka: Zulu chief used highly disciplined warriors and good military organization to create a large centralized area
Boer: Dutch settlers that gradually took over native Africans; land and established large farms
Great Trek: Boers moved to north to escape the British
Boer War: War between the British and the Boers, first modern “total” war
2. Taking Notes
Economic competition
European racism
Missionary impulse Those who were fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were considered superior to others. According to the theory, non-Europeans were considered to be on a lower scale of cultural and physical development because they did not have the technology that Europeans had, Europeans believed that they had the right and the duty to bring the results o their progress to other countries.
3. Making Inferences From the Berlin Conference, the Europeans attitude towards the Africans is very disrespectful. They disregarded the Africans current lifestyle and their culture. They did not let the Africans attend the conference thus not allowing the Africans to express their thoughts. The Europeans only thought about what was best for them. The conference finally conclusion did not include any Africans opinions.
Section 2 Assessment
1. Terms & Names
Paternalism: governed people in a fatherly way by providing for their needs but not giving them rights; Europeans brought in their own bureaucrats and did not train local people in European methods of governing
Assimilation: idea that in time, the local populations would become absorbed into French culture
Menelik II: Emperor of Ethiopia, only African nation to successfully resist the Europeans
2. Taking Notes
European Imperialism
Forms of Control
Colony: a country or a region governed internally by a foreign power
Protectorate: a country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power
Sphere of Influence: an area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges
Economic Imperialism: independent but les developed nations controlled by private business interests rather by other governments
Management Methods
Indirect Control: local government officials were used; limited self-rule; goal was to develop future leaders; government institutions are based on European styles by may have local rules (Examples: British Colonies such as Nigeria, India, and Burma)
Direct Control: foreign officials brought in rule; no self-rule; goal was assimilation; government institution are based only on European styles (Examples: French colonies such as Somaliland and Vietnam)
3. Forming Opinions No, I do not think the European could have conquered Africa without the Industrial Revolution taking place. The Revolution brought forward new ideas and major changes. Technology and transportation aided the Europeans. For example, the steam engine allowed the Europeans to travel on Africa’s’ rapidly flowing rivers. Thus, letting them conquer inner Africa.
Section 3 Assessment
1. Terms & Names
Geopolitics: an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products played an important role in