Buffalo Shooting Research Paper

Words: 631
Pages: 3

I would bring the buffalo chips. I would bring buffalo chips on this adventure for making fires that don't involve smoke. Avoiding smoke is amazing, so enemies won't attack and notice you in their presents. If you really want to, you can eat buffalo chips so you won't starve and die. I would bring a gun for hunting. I would also bring a gun to kill anyone that attacks. I would bring a gun to get rid of any distractions or animals by just making a loud gunshot, then everything would be gone cause the animals would be scared of the sound. I would make sure to let my Oxys roam around for a bit. If the Oxys don't roam around and rest, they will eventually just leave you while you're sleeping. You also need to let your Oxys rest so they won't be tired when they're doing most of the work, or you'll be stranded where they left you forever. …show more content…
I would also bring a pitch. I would bring a pitch because when crossing the very large river you will need to pitch your wagon up like a raft to float. If you don’t bring a pitch with you, you will most likely not be able to arrive at your final destination and drown. You can also use pitch for your oxys if they ever get a deep cut in their hoof so they will still be able to walk themselves and the wagon. I would avoid wearing big dresses. I would avoid wearing dresses because it gets really hot and you can't do anything about it. When you're also crossing a river to get to your destination, you can also drown because of how heavy the dress can get. There is also quick sanding that could also make your dress very heavy and would die. I wouldn’t overwork my oxys. I would avoid overworking my oxys because if they get too weak they won’t be able to walk you