Bulimia Nervosa Research Paper

Words: 895
Pages: 4

Bulimia nervosa, more commonly referred to as simply bulimia or binge and purge disorder, is a serious mental and physical disorder. This disorder affects both the body and mind, resulting in lifelong effects such as depression and bone disease. Bulimia is much more common in adolescent women, but it also appears in males.

Many people mistake bulimia for simply eating a lot, however that is not the case. The main symptom of bulimia is, after eating excessive amounts of food in a short period of time, is followed with behaviors which prevent weight gain. When eating larger amounts of food, it is referred to as binge-eating. The main way of preventing weight gain is done is by forced vomiting. A doctor or specialist will only diagnose someone
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The person’s self-esteem is majorly affected by their body image, which is a big issue in today’s society, not just in those with bulimia. There is still a controversial idea that there may be chromosomes in the body which have been passed down that lead to bulimia nervosa but there is no final result of that hypothesis. People with bulimia mainly turn to it because they have trouble coping with their emotions in a healthy way. They tend to lose the feeling of self-control during an …show more content…
There are many life long effects that come with being bulimic. The main negative thing is that they lose the proper nutrition that the body needs to function, which often keeps the kidneys from functioning normally. Not getting enough nutrients, such as vitamin D, means the bone mineral density won’t develop all the way. When this happens, there is a high risk of developing osteoporosis. This bone disease is irreversible and also leads to tooth decay. If the binge and purge habit continues for several years, females ovaries will be damaged very much. Their menstruation cycle stops and it becomes impossible for them to give